

Shahdara – June 7, 2013

I spent the morning relaxing choosing not to have breakfast and lunch to recover from jet lag.  In the afternoon I was able to finalize the three messages I would bring in the evening sessions. 

Emmanuel came to the hotel at 3:30 and helped me to dress in the Pakistani kameez and shalwar. We then left by rickshaw for the church where we would have the meetings. 

The church was located in a large home. One room was used for worship and could hold about 100 people. About eighty people were present for the meeting that evening. 

As, is the custom, I removed my sandals before preaching. I spoke three times in the evening with a short break between each message. I felt the Lord wanted me to speak on the subject of knowing His presence and walking in intimacy with Him. 

The power went out two or three times during the preaching, leaving us in complete darkness. We simply continued speaking. This is quite common in Pakistan with the electricity shortage. 

Singing was quite different from what I had experienced before. Unlike many countries I have been in, it had no western influence. It was quite refreshing to see that their music was a reflection of their own culture. There were two musical instruments used. The first was a small hand pumped organ. It was played with the right hand and the left hand was used to pump it. The other instrument was a set of drums which provided the rhythm. 

I was asked to present a copy of our translation of the commentary on Matthew, Mark and Luke (volume 1) to the pastors present. Copies were then handed out to the other believers by helpers.

Before going home, everyone was also given a food box containing a meal of chicken and rice. We hired a cook to prepare this for the participants. I was back at the hotel by11:00.